Friday, October 16, 2009

iPhone Photo Series #2

New FB Rocks!

I'm pretty excited about the new issue of FB, just out this week. It felt like a perfect combination of talent and we all had a great time making these pictures happen. Low tech tricks in a high tech world really made this stand out, I think. Plus, having a small budget to rent a lot of disco balls never hurts.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Designer Herbie Acevedo and Cape Cod Magazine

I met designer Herbie Acevedo through our mutual friend Jane (the same Jane that had introduced me to Steve, who I photographed and posted in the previous entry). He owns a great home furnishing store in Provincetown, Shor, and he has a number of clients he works with.

I had been looking to shoot more home interiors when we met, and once we did, the match clicked. I shot these photos last spring and it was great to see them on the cover and inside Cape Cod Magazine. The home was quite incredible, both as a wonderful historic renovation and as a design showcase.